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acredito que este tópico teve uma utilidade maior do que a maioria dos que já foram postados aqui... lendo os posts realmente relevantes qquer um com um mínimo de discernimento pode ver o que é comprovado ou o que não é... o problema é que as pessoas levam tudo isso para o lado pessoal, e isso estraga qquer discussão! realmente as melhores pesquisas são publicadas em inglês, mas quando esta tem grande relevância, rápidamente é levada para toda comunidade cientifica, bom, POR ENQUANTO só acredito mesmo com certeza na biópsia muscular, mas provas apresentadas, verdades alteradas... right? e ainda acho q o teste de fibras pode servir como uma base, mas que não demonstra realmente a predominância das fibras... as perguntas do meu post já passado continuam...

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Visitante Claudio Schenker

Nesse livro em que eu cito, sobre como Arthur Jones desenvolveu o teste etc. fala algumas coisas pertinentes e aqui vão alguns trechos...

No meio dos anos 70 Arthur Jones estava pesquisando por conta própria sobre muitas coisas pertinentes, afinal para ele o que importa não é o bodybuilding e sim as genética desses monstros, e sendo assim Arthur Jones fazia testes com esses caras e com pessoas comuns, etc. ele logo com suas descobertas notou que a melhor maneira de se obter a grande hipertrofia era com alta intensidade....etc., etc. por razões óbviais não me estenderei sobre isso....o fato é que ele tembém descobriu que a melhor porcentagem de se obter hipertrofia é com 80% da uma rm, além disso Arthur Jones também notou uma extrema diferença sobre que algumas pessoas podima fazer com relação ao treinamento, pois alguns com 80% conseguiam penas 5 repetições e outros conseguiam 15, 30 repetições!!!Algo de muito estranho estava ocorrendo, foi então que esse gênio se confrontou com algo que mais uma vez mudaria a história dos treinos para sempre. Arthur Jones logo desenvolveu o teste e com isso verificou o que estava realmente ocorrendo com alguns, de fato com todos, pois sempre ocorrem diferentes leituras de pessoas para pessoa, já que as fibras na dominância variam muito até em um mesmo corpo, etc. Esses testes foram feitos mais tarde sob a supervisão da ACADEMIA MILITAR DE WEST POINT, emais tarde no PROJETO DO COLORADO onde Casey Viator demonstrou como se treina nas máquinas NAUTILUS, o verdadeiro treino....outra vez sob extrema supervisão dos ditos cientistas e acadêmicos, agora é a parte muito engraçada desse história....depois de tudo isso comprovado Arthur Jones disse em alto e bom som que a comunidade científica não sabia nada vezes nada e que ele era que ensinaria o que eles nem em sonho conseguiriam saber, nesse mesmo ano A. Darden um cientista do exercício com vários PHDs entrou em contato com Arthur na Flórida e depois de algumas horas de converça Arthur Jones disse isso para Darden. "Filho se você relamente quer aprender algo, rasgue essas merdas diplomas que você tanto preza, e então você poderá aprender algo de útil sobre treinos comigo e então o mundo verá quem é Arthur Jones". É é

óbvio que Darden concordou, e depois de algum tempo ficou rico também escreveu vários livros sobre ostreinos NAUTILUS apoiando Arthur EM TUDO, e falando a verdade sobre as máquinas mais perfeitas feitas nessa porra de mundo, isso poderá ser visto no próprio site de Darden.

Depois de algum tempo a comunidade científica como não conseguiu acabar com Arthur Jones, então fez o que Arthur dizia que eles iriam fazer...tentar ignorar e sometimes descreditar Arthur(o que tentaram com relação as máquinas NAUTILUS, dizendo que elas eram perigosas, e memso elas sendo as únicas com cams perfeitos, etc.!!!)e então Arthur que não pode deixar isso passar em branco decidiu tomar um desisão, ele simplemsmente DEU DE GRAÇA PARA QUEM PEDISSE POR CARTA O LIVRO QUE EU TENHO!!!SIM ELE DOAVA ESSE LIVRO E AS PESSOAS SOMENTE PAGAVAM A POSTAGEM!!!ISSO DESTRUIU O QUE OS DEGENERADOS DA COMINIDADE CIENTÍFICA.


Ellington Darden, Ph.D.


As I think back on my 30 years of involvement with Arthur Jones, the thing I remember most is his voice ­ his authoritative, commanding, and powerful voice. He is by far the best speaker and storyteller that I've ever heard. And no one can tell a joke like Arthur.

Anyone who has read my exercise books knows that Arthur Jones has had a tremendous influence on my beliefs, practices, and writings. There is no way I could condense his impact to several paragraphs.

I'd like to say, simply . . . Thank you, Arthur, for living life in CAPITAL LETTERS!

*** ***

Matt Brzycki

In March 1980, I was working as a part-time trainer at a health club in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania. The club's general manager, Tom Laputka, told me stories about how he and a bodybuilder named Casey Viator were once trained by someone named Arthur Jones. That was the first time that I had ever heard about

Arthur. I recall actually meeting him on four different occasions (all in Florida): December 1984 in DeLand; May 1986 in Ocala; August 1986 in DeLand; and November 1994 in Ocala.

Arthur is legendary for being opinionated, abrasive, rude, boisterous and other assorted adjectives -- many of which are unprintable in most mainstream publications. In retrospect, his unique personality -- which has spawned several copycat wannabes looking to become the "heir apparent" -- was actually perfect for propelling his ideas about proper exercise to the forefront of the strength training community. Let's face it, weight training was deeply rooted in tradition in the 1970s -- probably even more than it is today. Back then, there were far fewer nonconformists and antagonists than there are nowadays. Arthur spoke the only language that hardhead partyliners understood.

Arthur has probably had more detractors over the years than anyone. Yet, it's difficult to name someone else who has had such a profound impact on strength training -- and equipment design -- during the past 30 years. Indeed, his revolutionary opinions about exercise have affected training protocols even to this day. He changed the industry forever. Plain and simple. Years ahead of his time, he advanced the theories of what has become known as HIT. If not for Arthur Jones, all of us would probably still be consumed with training in the traditional fashion.

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Jim Bryan

Approximately thirty years ago I met Arthur Jones in York Pa. We met at the "Teen Mr. America" contest. I was twenty-three years old at the time. I had already been training for about ten years. I had been competing in Olympic lifting, Power lifting and Bodybuilding. I also had been taking steroids. Arthur, in a matter of three hours had blown away almost everything I had believed about training. He also persuaded me to quit taking steroids. (Several month's later training under Arthur and I was stronger than I had ever been while doing steroids) My first meeting with Arthur was a lesson, best schooling I ever had!

After getting with Arthur for regular training (2-3 days a week) I started thinking differently. I decided to quit training for competition and train for health, with emphasis on strength. Arthur has a reputation for being blunt, and he can be. After dealing with as many idiots as he's had to, most people would be blunt too! There are scores of people that have tried to steal ideas, equipment, and his reputation. Some of them I was an eye witness to. What most people don't know is that he has gone FAR, FAR out of his way to help people. He always made time for me and the people I brought up. I have also seen him give his time to strangers that turned up at Nautilus looking for answers. (When it was obvious to me that these people were "plants" from another exercise company) He would help them, but I'm sure that his patience ran out completely over the years. Some of them I felt needed a gun put to their head and shot immediately (and called a mercy killing) WHOA! Where did that come from? Ha! Anyway, the point is he didn't have to waste his time but he tried to help anyway. Many of Arthur's detractors have never met him but repeat bullshit anyway. "That's life." He'd say, but I knew it bothered him.

Arthur Jones brought weight training into the 20th century. Without him there would be few if any advancements in equipment or ideas. Even the people that said he was full of shit are now using his ideas and producing equipment modeled after the Nautilus design. Of course, "they discovered the ideas and equipment themselves!" His contributions to the field of exercise are immeasurable. On a regular basis someone has a "breakthrough" and comes up with some very important information. Everybody gets excited and pats him or her on the back but finds out Arthur came up with it thirty or more years ago. The point is...... and listen up! There is ONLY ONE Arthur Jones and NO ONE can take away his accomplishments! The man is without a doubt the most important person in modern exercise. For anyone to try and nay say this would be "Criminally Negligent" and in need of "Mercy killing" Ha! Where did that come from? The man is without a peer when it comes to contributions toward Strength Training. I'll be forever indebted to him.

*** ***

Dave Shoffler, Gordon, PA

The first time I heard of Mr. Jones I was in the office of my chiropractor.I had injured my neck doing squats in my attic - without a power rack or a spotter. I was following a routine from a Weider magazine. Having told the chiropractor how I hurt myself, he launched into a passion-filled talk about how 'that kind' of training was outdated for at least 25 years. He told me about Arthur Jones and a few other names who were involved in HIT, explaining how only one set was all I needed. For the first time I began to make progress, using the Jones's principles.

After stumbling upon Arthurs's writings in Ironman, and on the internet, I absorbed everything I could. His straight forword ways of explaining concepts was one of the things that kept me interested in his writings. I could relate to this, because that describes myself -- cut through the BS and make your point. After all, sometimes a kick in the butt can to more than a pat on the back!

Having been set in the proper direction with High Intensity Training, I would be interested in what Mr.Jones's thoughts would be on present day application of repetition speed, training routines, number of exercises per routine, how often one should train, etc.

The influnece Arthur has had one me is definitely possitive. I recently bought an old nautilus compound leg machine, and I was impressed on how well it was contructed. Thanks Mr.Jones.

*** ***

Brian D. Johnston

Few people have had an impact in my life. Arthur Jones is one of those people. With the exception of one other, Ayn Rand, all others who influenced me were, in turn, influenced by Arthur Jones. As Dr. Robert Kudlak, MD, stated, "Arthur Jones taught me to think", and I share that sentiment. It was only seven years ago that I followed the blind dogma of volume training. At that time everything hit a pinnacle -- I became certified with the ISSA, reaching one level in qualifications below Masters. Regardless, after taking their certification I was more confused than ever. Nothing connected. Nothing made sense, and there were numerous contradictions. There had to be a better way.

Also during that time, I was employed by Dr. Kudlak at Ontario's only MedX clinic (although I was exposed to the technology, I was still influenced by a decade of muscle magazine nonsense). One day I began speaking of speed strength, starting strength, explosive strength, anaerobic strength, aerobic strength, etc., thinking that these concepts could be valuable aspects to training. Dr. Kudlak looked at me dumbfounded, began question me on their validity, and I quickly realized how little I (and the ISSA) knew. At that point I started investigating physical laws and the writings of Arthur Jones. Since then, nothing has been the same. Consequently, it is in large part to Jones that the i established itself in 1995. It is also in large part to Jones that I finally made good progress in my training, avoiding multiple sets, several days a week, allowing me more time to invest in other interests (including the many articles). How you can you put a price on that?


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eu so nao concordo com o unabambi pois desconfio q ele seja homossexual...

Mas parece que é vc que está chupando o pau do schenker...

O thiago vai ficar com ciumes.

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Mas parece que é vc que está chupando o pau do schenker...

O thiago vai ficar com ciumes.

Seguidores de Hitler talvez o tentem imitar em tudo ,dizem que Hitler fazia seus soldados se masturbarem para fornecer sua vitamina matinal , um copo de esperma durante toas as manhãs!

Mas vamos respeitar a preferência sexual do passoal do forum, se tem gente asexuado aqui ou homosexual,problema deles!

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