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Ciclo de GH - Mulher


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Hellow pessoal!

Estou comecando a bolar o meu ciclo de fevereiro...

Ja conversei bastante com meu treinador... ja li bastante.. pesquisei.. e Vou ciclar com GH.

Ainda estou pesquisando....

Gostaria que quem manjasse bem do assunto, desse sua opiniao e a forma que vc acha melhor ciclar.

Objetivo: sempre ganho de massa. Nao estou preocupada em secar neste instante.


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Membros mais ativos neste tópico

Membros mais ativos neste tópico

Se o seu objetivo é ganhar massa e o teu treinador disse hGH então pede para ele ler isso.

Tudo isso que se lê sobre os efeito de ganho de massa muscular só são vistos em idosos com deficiência de GH. Não em atletas.

Há pequisas que mostram que Oxandrolona é superior ao hGH em efeitos anabólicos (anti-cabólicos se preferir). Nessa pesquisa foi administrado T3+Andrógeno, T3+hGH e T3+Placebo. Os efeitos anticabólicos do GH foram semelhantes ao Placebo. :wink: Se quiser eu ponho esse estudo aqui. Tá lá no meu forum.


Br J Sports Med. 2003 Apr;37(2):100-5.

Claims for the anabolic effects of growth hormone: a case of the emperor's new clothes?

Rennie MJ.

Faculty of Life Sciences, Old Medical School, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.

This review examines the evidence that growth hormone has metabolic effects in adult human beings. The conclusion is that growth hormone does indeed have powerful effects on fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and in particular promotes the metabolic use of adipose tissue triacylglycerol. However, there is no proof that net protein retention is promoted in adults, except possibly of connective tissue. The overexaggeration of the effects of growth hormone in muscle building is effectively promoting its abuse and thereby encouraging athletes and elderly men to expose themselves to increased risk of disease for little benefit.


Horm Res. 2002;58 Suppl 3:43-8.

Effects of growth hormone on skeletal muscle.

Weber MM.

Klinik II und Poliklinik fur Innere Medizin der Universitat zu Koln und Lehrstuhl II fur Innere Medizin des Krankenhauses Koln-Merheim, Deutschland.

Human growth hormone (GH) is widely abused as a performance-enhancing anabolic drug by athletes and bodybuilders. However, the effects of GH on skeletal muscle mass, strength and fibre composition remain unclear. We therefore summarize in the following the current knowledge on the physiological role of GH in the regulation of skeletal muscle growth and function and evaluate its potential therapeutic potency as a muscle anabolic hormone. In states of GH deficiency, reduced muscle mass and strength are characteristic findings which can be reversed successfully by the supplementation of GH. In contrast, the currently available data suggest that GH administration alone or in combination with strength exercise has little, if any, effect on muscle volume, strength and fibre composition in non-GH-deficient healthy young individuals. This assumption is supported by the lack of evidence for a significant performance-enhancing effect of GH in athletes. However, further studies will be necessary to define patient populations which might benefit from GH treatment like frail elderly individuals in whom a GH-induced change into a more youthful muscle fibre composition has been reported.

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