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Foi comprovado!!!! Myostat causou 50% de hipertrofia em seres humanos!!!! Testaram em 18 atletas, 9 tomaram e nove nao, depois de tres meses os nove que nao tomaram ganharam 4 quilos e os nove que tomaram ganharam 12 quilos!!!!!! Aqui está o estudo " para que ninguem mais queira ser chato ", pois já percebi que muita gente neste site adora contestar sobre o que nao conhece e nao entende...... O estudo: NEW STUDY PROVES MYOSTAT™ (CSP-3) Increases Hypertrophy 50% in Humans!


A previous study revealed that CSP-3 (an array of sulfated polysaccharides extracted from Cystoseira canariensis) was able to bind the myostatin protein in vitro. Given that myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle growth, if the same myostatin binding effect occurs in vivo (in the body), it was theorized that CSP-3 could increase muscle-protein synthesis and muscle growth.

A more recent placebo controlled, double-blind study was conducted at the Olympic Wrestling Training Center (Zakir Ramazanov, PhD, Musa Abidov, MD, Miguel Jimenez del Rio, PhD. Russia 2002) to examine the effects of orally administered CSP-3 on muscle-protein synthetic rate and lean mass in competitive, elite athletes.


After 60 days of supplementation, subjects in the CSP-3 group (n=9) gained three times more lean mass (13.67 lb versus 4.4 lb) than subjects in the placebo group (n=9). This threefold greater gain in fat-free mass was statistically significant and was supported by changes in muscle-protein synthetic rate. Specifically, CSP-3 stimulated muscle-protein synthesis 50% more than the placebo. These data indicate that CSP-3 has a significant pharmacological effect on skeletal muscle.

Study Using Olympic-Level Athletes

Eighteen (n=18) competitive, Olympic wrestlers were randomly divided into two groups. Thirty days prior to beginning the clinical study, subjects underwent a period of diet counseling and surveillance. Additionally, subjects were asked to maintain their physical-training program throughout the trial. There was no significant difference in the body mass index of subjects in the two groups. Dietary intake (total calories and macronutrient profiles) did not change during the course of the study.

Twice daily, subjects were required to consume either 500 mg of CSP-3 or a placebo. Subjects had not consumed any dietary supplements or medications for more than four months prior to the study. At baseline and after 60 days of CSP-3 or placebo administration, body composition and mixed-muscle protein synthesis rates were evaluated. Baseline protein synthesis rate assessments were made 24 hours before the clinical study began.

On days 0 and 60 of the study, samples of muscle tissue were taken for evaluation of protein synthesis. Food-record analysis and body-mass index were also included at the laboratory intervention times. Body weight was measured with a standard beam scale and the percentage of body fat was estimated from body density derived from underwater weighing.

Various sterile solutions of a leucine isotope (C13L) were prepared and infused overnight to measure the fractional rate of incorporation of C13L into mixed-muscle protein at baseline and at the end of the 60th day of the supplementation period. The rate of muscle-protein synthesis was measured in serial, muscle-biopsy samples during a continuous infusion of C13L in both groups at baseline and after 60 days of supplementation.

The biopsies were taken at a depth of 2-3 cm at about one-third of the distance from the upper margin of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine. After local skin anesthesia, incisions through the skin and the muscle fascia were made (one on each leg) while subjects rested in the supine position. Biopsies from both legs were combined and analyzed for protein synthesis rates. Mixed-muscle proteins in the biopsy sample were separated and hydrolyzed. Muscle was homogenized in 10% trichloroacetic acid, and proteins were hydrolyzed for 24 hours at 110°C. The formation of n-acetyl-n-propyl ester of leucine and muscle C13L enrichment was measured using gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry.


Even though the results of this study may seem surprising, critical analysis of the available scientific data indicates that sulfated polysaccharides possess a variety of important pharmacological and physiological activities in vivo. Scientific literature clearly indicates that sulfated polysaccharides are physiologically active compounds that participate in the regulation of various cellular processes, including myostatin-binding properties that might open a new dimension in muscle-growth research.

Sulfated polysaccharides are crucial for vital reactions in the body because of their ability to bind various proteins. Aside from the positive effects on muscle mass we observed in athletes supplemented with sulfated polysaccharides isolated from Cystoseira canariensis, these compounds may also prove to be beneficial in the development of drugs to combat certain muscular-related diseases.

Additional human studies are planned to further determine the hypertrophic effects of CSP-3.

From Testosterone Magazine 2002

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Membros mais ativos neste tópico

Eu NÃO discordo de vc Mestre, realmente pode ser uma propaganda enganosa.... Mas é aquela velha história: testar ou esperar pra ver...

Assim como foi com a creatina e o natubolic, varios testes, varios estudos e varias propagandas, varias especulações.... Um funcionou e o outro nao, nem preciso dizer qual..... Abraços

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Realmente nunca vi ninguém que tenha tomado, o ideal seria testar.

Mas o problemas é que nós aqui no Brasil não conseguimos comprar, eu já tentei mas eles só despacham para os EUA.

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vejam esse post de um forum gringo..vale a pena ler...

Late last year a report in the media blew the minds of bodybuilders who were wise enough to read theASTweb site daily. Research performed by scientists from the Johns Hopkins University had created "massively-muscled, Arnold Schwarzenegger-like mice" by genetically engineering animals with a missing growth regulator called myostatin.

Myostatin is a gene (Now understand that a gene is a linear sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA that provides the coded instructions for synthesis of RNA, which, when translated into protein, leads to the expression of hereditary character.) that is a member of the Transforming Growth Factor-b (TGF-:lol: Superfamily.1 These genes encode factors that are essential to proper biological development during the embryonic stage.2 They are specifically expressed before birth.

Genetically engineered myostatin-free mice and cattle exhibit twice the lean muscle mass as their normal stable-mates, without extra feeding or resistance training!3 The important thing to understand is that these animals were genetically engineered to not possess the myostatin gene because myostatin limits muscle growth.3,4

A study published in 1998, revealed that myostatin is expressed in human skeletal muscle and levels are increased in muscle wasting diseases such as HIV.5 This research demonstrated that myostatin levels within the human body correlate inversely with fat-free mass. That is, the less myostatin in circulation, the more muscle you will have. This research confirmed that myostatin is a primary regulator of muscle growth in humans.5

Recently, the same scientists at Hopkins engineered a second group of mice whose genetic makeup shows it's possible to get the same amazing muscle growth-effect by blocking the myostatin gene rather than deleting it entirely.6

The Hopkins scientists identified several proteins, namely follistatin, mutant activin type II receptors, and myostatin propeptide, that can effectively block the activity of myostatin.6 Remember, if you can block myostatin, muscle growth will literally explode! Paul Delia reported this information in May last year.7

Now, a collective brains-trust of unscrupulous sports supplement marketers have recently cottoned on to this information and are attempting to pull more scams.8 These pumpkin heads are trying their best to make consumers believe that they have supplements that athletes can take that will block the activity of myostatin. I believe they also get the bulk of their product knowledge from Miss. Cleo the tarot card reader. If not product knowledge, they certainly get their marketing ideas from her.

The myostatin blocking-ability was not achieved by simply taking a pill or even receiving an injection. The Hopkins scientists are the world leaders in this technology, and they have only just recently been able to produce this ability to block myostatin using the latest, state-of-the-art genetic engineering techniques. What we are talking about is embryonic microinjections (gene manipulation before birth), numerous cross-linking experiments and cell cloning techniques to produce mice with various levels of the specific binding affinity mutations.

Myostatin is licensed to MetaMorphix, a company founded by one of the main researchers Se-Jin Lee, M.D., Ph.D., in 1995. This company was established to commercialize on work by Hopkins and other pharmaceutical companies in the field of growth and differentiation factors. Myostatin is sublicensed to American Home Products and Cape Aquaculture Technologies. The authors and the University own MetaMorphix stock and the authors also own CAT stock. Lee is a consultant to MetaMorphix and Cape Aquaculture Technologies. The other lead author of this research, Alexandra McPherron, Ph.D., is a consultant to Cape Aquaculture Technologies.

This is cutting-edge, multi-million dollar genetic research and it appears to be stitched up tight by some big companies and brilliant research minds. Do you really think some little snake-oil selling supplement company has the capacity, contacts, or finances to obtain this type of technology and then surpass it? Yeah, right! Not by a long shot.

The research on myostatin and the ability to block myostatin is very exciting. In 5 to 10 years, when it is possible to isolate, stabilize then synthesize on a large scale, the myostatin propeptide and follistatin protein blockers, it will be in the tight grip of billion dollar pharmaceutical companies. These drugs will be only made available on prescription for extreme wasting conditions. That is, until they find their way onto the black market, and then, god help this sport!

Now these companies with their "make-believe" products would love you to think they have the technology to produce such myostatin blockers. They will go to great lengths concocting tales of top secret, undercover research. They'll spin the story well. You better believe they will.

But by now you should know the script. First they will come out with a pill or a powder. Then another company will come out with the "better" liquid version. Of course it will be stabilized and guaranteed stable for 2 years. Then yet another company will come out with the transdermal myostatin cream that you simply rub on what ever muscle you want to increase the size of. Oh, and don't forget the special "night time" myostatin formula. And why stop there, how about the really special "Myagra-statin" because "girls really want a bigger man." Welcome to Fantasy Island, I mean the sports supplement industry.

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