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High quality complete proteins compared

in a research study by Robert Cheeke

Having been a vegan athlete for the past five years I have an intense interest in sports supplements that are derived from a non-animal origin. I have found that the most beneficial and most popular vegan sports supplement is soy protein isolate specifically Supro brand.

First of all, what is soy protein isolate? Soy protein isolate or isolated soy protein comes from dehulled and defatted soybeans by removing most of non-protein components such as carbohydrates. The result is an isolate containing 90% protein on a dry basis. Isolated soy protein contains all nine essential amino acids, no cholesterol and virtually not fat or carbohydrates. It has a high content of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), glutamine, and arginine.

Soy is very mainstream these days, but let’s go back in time and discuss the history of this wonderful food, soy.

Asians first grew soybeans; in fact, Chinese emperor Sheng-nung identified soybeans as one of the five sacred crops nearly 5,000 years ago. The soybean’s popularity then moved from China to Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Soybeans appeared in Europe nearly 1,000 years later. First appearing in the U.S. in the early 1800’s, soybeans became an important U.S. crop by the end of the 19th century. Although U.S. farmers planted only 50,000 acres in 1917, soybeans have grown in popularity among U.S. farmers. According to the American Soybean Association’s statistics, farmers planted 72.4 million acres in 1998.

Now that we know a bit about the history of soy, let’s discuss the difference between isolated soy protein and Supro Brand isolated soy protein.

Supro is processed with a water wash rather than an alcohol wash, which maintains the integrity of the naturally occurring Isoflavones, vitamins and minerals and other bioactive components. It is manufactured under strict specifications in order to guarantee a consistent high quality product. Supro is also used in the majority of independent clinical research.

Supro Brand isolated soy protein is a high-quality, plant-based protein that helps build and maintain muscle mass and lean body tissue. Supro is equal in protein quality to meat, milk, and egg protein. It has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0, which is the highest score that a protein can have. Supro meets or exceeds the essential amino acid requirements of children and adults. It is highly digestible and can maintain nitrogen balance when fed as the sole protein source at minimum intake levels.

Protein is a macro nutrient with many functions. Proteins supply amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks the body uses for synthesis of its proteins including enzymes, hormones, muscle, and important compounds including immunoglobulins and albumin. The body synthesizes non-essential amino acids, while others are essential and must be supplied by food sources. Proteins and other nitrogen-containing compounds are continuously degraded and rebuilt. All of these losses must be replaced by a continuous supply of amino acids, provided through the diet.

All plant and animal proteins have the same approximate 20 amino acids. The proportion of the amino acids varies as a characteristic of the protein source. The nutritional quality of any protein relates to its amino acid composition, digestibility, and ability to supply the essential amino acids in the amounts required by the species consuming the protein. The ability of Supro proteins to supply the essential amino acids in the amounts required by humans has been examined in several protein quality studies. These studies have involved infants, pre-school children, and adults.

Traditionally, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) was used to evaluate the quality of proteins. The PER method reflects the amino acid requirements of young growing rats, and not humans. A reports was published in 1991, by the Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) Joint Expert Consultation which called for a more acceptable and validated procedure for protein quality evaluation. The recommended method, called Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), was adopted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for protein quality evaluation and nutrition labeling purposes for products intended for children and adults.

The PDCAAS method is based on determining the amino acid score by comparing the test protein food to the FAO/WHO 2-5 year old amino acid pattern. The 2-5 year old pattern is used because it exceeds the amino acid requirement patterns of older children and adults. The most limiting amino acid is used to determine the uncorrected amino acid score and that number multiplied by the food’s digestibility is the PDCAAS. Using this method, Supro brand isolated soy protein has the highest obtainable score (1.0) for calculating the corrected protein value. No protein can have a PDCAAS greater than 1.0.

Supro protein is a highly digestible complete protein containing all the essential amino acids in the reference pattern in the correct proportion.

The calculated PDCAAS:

Supro digestibility = 97%

Uncorrected Amino acid score = 26 divided by 25 = 1.04

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score = .97 X 1.04 = 1.0

We now know that Supro is the dominant and most efficient form of soy protein isolate. If fact it is said that to be sure of the quality of the soy protein in a product and that it has naturally occurring isoflavones, look for the Supro trade name.

Who should take Supro, how much of it, and what are the benefits of Supro? Well, first let’s look at some statistics. According to the American Heart Association (1996), about 96 million adults have cholesterol levels over 200 mg/dl. About 27 million children aged 19 and under, have cholesterol levels of 170 or higher, which is, comparable to 200 in adults. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Health Claim, consuming 25 grams of soy protein in 4 daily servings of 6.25 grams is effective in reducing both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. So, I would definitely recommend this supplement to people with high cholesterol.

Who else? Well, there are 30 million Americans who are lactose intolerant. About 75% of all African-Americans and Native-Americans, and 90% of all Asian-Americans are lactose intolerant. There are also 30 million Americans who are vegetarians who would benefit from this high quality protein. Supro is considered a high quality protein, meaning that it contains all the indispensable amino acids in concentration sufficient to meet requirements of humans. Women who are at high risk for heart disease, are concerned about bone health, and who are experiencing menopausal symptoms can benefit from consuming soy protein with isoflavones.

Cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease kill more than 750,000 Americans each year so I think its time for people to wake up and realize what they are putting into their bodies. They can cut down on their meat intake and animal food intake and add soy products to their diet.

What about athletes? Soy proteins are quickly gaining favor in the competitive sports supplement market. The need to promote muscle growth and support lean muscle mass makes protein supplementation an essential part of a sports nutrition program; more athletes are discovering that soy protein easily meets those needs and provides a nutritional bonus that whey doesn’t offer. Isolated soy protein is high in branched-chain amino acids and arginine (which stimulates the release of anabolic hormones), increasing the athlete’s ability to build muscle mass and maintain lean body tissue. Experts recommend a daily dietary intake of 1g to 1.5g of protein per kilo of bodyweight to maintain muscle mass in an athlete.

Supro has been used in clinical trials for more than 10 years; in that time, it has been used in more than 200 studies involving Olympic, professional, and collegiate athletes. Recent studies utilizing Supro have focused on specific aspects of the soybean that can benefit professional athletes, including reduced oxidative stress, anti-catabolic effects, effects on fat metabolism (through its effect on thyroid function), arginine/glutamine’s role in performance, and the role of calcium and iron for female athletes.

Isolated soy protein may hold other benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. For instance, as athletes began to lose body weight, their metabolism may “fight back” and slow down. A study has found that consuming 25 to 50g of soy protein daily may help to stop the thyroid from slowing down. Soy protein is high in iron, so it may reduce the threat of “sports anemia.”

Soy protein is able to reduce fatigue after intense training. Romanian athletes who supplemented their diets each day with 1.5g of soy protein per 2.2 pounds of bodyweight reported decreased fatigue, along with increased lean muscle mass, decreased body fat, and more hemoglobin in the blood. A recent Ohio State study looked at oxidative stress and the antioxidant effects of soy versus whey, and found that the phytonutrients in soy may contribute to lessening muscle injuries and soreness.

The glutamine in Supro is key to stimulating muscle synthesis and buffering lactic acid buildup. There are 10.5g of glutamine per 100g of Supro, as opposed to 4.9g per 100g of whey. The arginine in Supro is said to maintain a strong immune system and aid recovery time after a workout.

Which athletes would benefit the most from Supro? In my opinion all athletes will benefit from this product because of its numerous health benefits which I have stated above. The fact that it is a complete protein that increases lean muscle mass would benefit power athletes such as bodybuilders and football players. Here is a bodybuilding and athletic supplementation description: Soy protein is quickly becoming popular amongst the bodybuilding community. The reason RESEARCH! Here is what research has discovered about soy isolate:

1. Soy fights cancer and has anti-estrogenic effects.

2. Soy has the highest amount of BCAA glutamine and arginine.

3. Soy may raise the level of endogenous production of thyroxin, which in turn speeds up metabolism.

4. Daidzein, one of soy’s isoflavones, may raise the level of testosterone and growth hormone.

5. A diet rich in soy decreased the chance of heart disease.

&nbspSoy protein is considered a must in a bodybuilder’s diet. Due to extreme low cost, bodybuilders experience great gains in muscle mass and decrease in body fat.

&nbspSince we’re talking about research, let’s look at another study. This one I found in Bill Phillips’s March, 2000 issue of Muscle Media. A clinical trial was undertaken to determine the effects of soy protein isolate versus beef protein on tissue protein retention in healthy young men. During this long-term study, subjects ate 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day of either soy or beef protein (only 72 grams for a 200-lb man). This was their only protein source. The clinical trial found that body tissue protein balances were similar between groups, and body cell mass showed no deterioration. The authors of the study summarized their findings by stating, “The nutritional quality of isolated soy protein is high, and this plant protein can serve as the sole source of essential amino acids and nitrogen for protein maintenance in adults.”

Unlike casein and albumin, isolated soy protein is cholesterol-and fat-free.

Isolated soy protein can be incorporated into many traditional foods; it mimics the functional properties of such ingredients as eggs, milk and flour. Supro is intended for application in meat products, beverages, dairy products, fresh and frozen desserts, pasta, cereal, non-dairy products, health foods and medical foods, though it is most often found in protein shake powders and functional food bars.

Supro was initially developed about 35 years ago for use in infant formulas. Protein Technologies International (PTI) was instrumental in getting the FDA to approve soy protein for that purpose. Soon, isolated soy protein was being developed for other applications.

Now, where can you buy this great product and how much will it cost? Supro isolated soy protein can currently be found in protein powder drinks such as TwinLab’s Vege Fuel, GNC’s Challenge 95% protein, EAS Myoplex Light, Weider’s MetaForm Ultra Lean, and Universal’s Whey/Soy products. It can be found in a wide variety of functional food bars, including Weider’s Tiger Bars. GeniSoy also uses Supro in its protein powders.

I personally buy Supro brand soy protein isolate. I have purchased many different brands with a wide range of costs. I bought GeniSoy “Ultra Soy” 23.3 oz for $12. I bought Naturade “Total Soy” 1.1 lb. for $11. I purchased Wild Oats “NON-GMO Soy Protein Powder” 16 oz for $7. Twinlab sells 100% pure isolated soy protein “Vege Fuel” 1.18 lbs. for $13.50.

Twinlab advertises their product as:







&nbspAnother example of their advertising: Vege Fuel can be used as a meat substitute. Or picture something like this: Your basic blueberry muffin, containing about 260 calories, 40 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fat and 35 grams of high-quality complete protein.

I am so intrigued by their advertising that I am going to purchase their product. I am attracted to the fact that each serving contains 30 grams of Supro soy protein isolate. Also the fact that it is a high-quality complete protein and is fairly priced draws me to it. I’ll be going to the nutrition store to purchase it soon. Before long I’ll be baking with it and adding it to my current protein shakes.

Soy protein isolate can also be purchased in energy bars such as Clif Bars, which only cost a little over a dollar.

Soy-based foods have truly entered the mainstream marketplace. In 1997, soy-based foods accounted for more than $1.6 billion in retail sales, an average annual sales growth of more than 10-15% every year since 1980. By the year 2000, sales of soy-based foods in the U.S. are expected to exceed $2 billion.

There are specific requirements for the FDA in order to claim the healthy effects of soy. The product must meet the following criteria:

* 6.25 grams of soy protein or more

* Low fat (less then 3 grams)

* Low saturated fat (less than 1 gram)

* Low cholesterol (less than 20mg)

* Foods made with the whole soybean may also qualify for the health claim of they contain no fat in addition to that present in the whole soybean. These would include soy foods such as tofu, soymilk, soy-based burgers, tempeh, and soy nuts.

&nbspThere are so many benefits to adding soy protein to your diet, but are there any downsides to Supro or any other form of soy protein? There is no downside in the consumption of soy protein and we have centuries of human experience from which to draw. Soy is one of the oldest foods known to man. In Asia, soy has been the primary source of protein for over 2,000 years. What’s more is that the Japanese have the longest life expectancy in the world because they have the best diet rich in a variety of soy products and low in fat.

In the February, 1999 issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine they ran an article called “Perfect 10 – The best foods to eat for peak fitness and health.” They stated that Soymilk and tofu are ideal foods because they are complete proteins (higher in protein bioavailability than red meat), cholesterol-free, low in saturated fat, and loaded with phytochemicals, which can fight heart disease, cancer, and other conditions.

As Americans become more and more health conscious, many people and their physicians will look to soy-based foods as a practical option in controlling cholesterol and coronary heart disease and reducing America’s dependence on drug therapies.

In general, it would be a health benefit to most people to substitute soy protein for some of the animal protein in their diet.

I feel that soy is a wonderful product overall and I recommend it to everyone, not just athletes. It is great for athletes in the fact that it builds muscle mass and is a very high quality protein. I was surprised that the muscle magazines I looked in had such great things to say about soy protein. It hasn’t ever been real popular among athletes until now. Clif bars as well as other soy protein isolate supplements are leading the way. People are becoming more health conscious and also kinder to animals. Soy is a brilliant alternative to eating high cholesterol, high fat, and low nutrient animal proteins, not to mention the fact that you can save the lives of innocent animals.

This is a very safe supplement and the only side effect is that you become healthier. If you ask me, that sounds like quite the incentive, nothing to lose and so much to gain.

While researching this supplement I only found one article that did not support soy protein isolate at all. It was a Soy vs. Whey article in the May, 2000 issue of Muscular Development. There are 3 main types of soy protein based on how they are processed. First soy flour with only a 50% protein content on a dry weight basis, soy concentrates with a 70% protein content at a dry weight, and then the one we have been discussing throughout this report, soy protein isolate with at 90% protein content. This author who was attacking soy was comparing soy concentrates to whey. If he had compared Supro to whey I think he would have had some other opinions on just how high the quality of soy protein isolate can be.

I whole-heartedly, without reservation recommend Supro brand soy protein isolate to anyone out there who wants to improve their overall health, gain a competitive edge in athletics, and support a growing, environmentally conscious, natural sports supplement.

Robert Cheeke

May 9, 2000

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Ja disse e repito...nao vou mais discutir e apenas acho ridiculo vcs pegarem pesquisas dos laboratorios q produzem supleentos a base de proteina de meu irmao..nao dá mesmo..é lógico q os caras vao falar um onte de emrda a favor deles...tem até laboratorio q diz q l-carnitina ai ai...

o q disse é o certo e ponto final.

Se nao quiserem acreditar entao se entupam de proteina vegetasl q eu vou na animal e continuo com meus 47cm de braço e 5% de gordura.


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Eu comecei a tomar a Proteina isolada de soja no mês passado, intercalando c/ a albumina que eu ainda tinha em casa. Esse mes tomarei a PIS no lugar da albumina. Estou pagando R$ 18.00 no quilo, mais o frete. Eu peço no site da nutrisoy.


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