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Pré-hormonal 1 AD da ErgoPharm

1 neurônio

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Pessoal estava lendo sobre os produtos VPX em um fórum americano , quando em uma enquete feita por lá vi que um dos produtos mais bem falados era o 1 AD da ERGOPHARM .

Por curiosidade andei verificando em outros tópicos do mesmo fórum e vi que os resultados e comentários eram mesmo favoráveis . Entrando no site da empresa : li mais a respeito e acabei achando realmente que pode existir um fundamento . Gostaria de saber se alguém já usou por aqui , e se os moderadores podem opinar , falando em moderadores se alguém souber sobre o paradeiro do Pharmábio por favor mandem um mail para ele , pois ele com certeza pode dar uma opinião mais esclarecida . Segue abaixo a tradução feita no babelfish sobre o 1AD , quem quiser o texto original , por favor olhe no site da empresa .


Na perseguição do grail holy

Você está a ponto de ser introduzido ao futuro dos prohormones. É chamado 1-AD, e é sem uma dúvida o único prohormone o mais surpreendente a synthesized e vendido como um suplemento nutritivo.

Deixe-nos começar ajustando algo reto. Nós não somos amadores à indústria do prohormone. No contrário, nós começamos realmente a indústria inteira do prohormone. Mas não somente isso, nós somos também responsáveis para praticamente cada inovação significativa na tecnologia do prohormone datar. O líder de ErgoPharm, químico orgânico Patrick Arnold, era a pessoa que descobriu o androstenedione e introdua lhe ao mercado em 1996. Patrick também descobriu e patenteou Androdiol® (4-androstenediol) e Norandrodiol® (19-nor-4-androstenediol), e introduziu a tecnologia do cyclodextrin à indústria do prohormone.

Para os 18 meses passados Patrick tem trabalhado feverishly -- quase exclusivamente -- em um projeto. Quando as contagens de povos mais menos knowledgeable na indústria fizeram periòdicamente coxo ocasional, a esfera suja tenta em encontrar "o mais tarde," no prohormone o mais grande, Patrick mantido quiet e trabalhado no desenvolvimento de o que essencialmente poderia ser chamado "o grail holy" dos prohormones.

Patrick quis este prohormone ter todos os atributos os mais críticos ao prohormone perfeito. Teve que ser:

Oral Ativo

Completamente Non-Aromatizable aos estrogens

Extremamente potent



Após meses de scouring cada livro e jornal que poderia encontrar, including aqueles em línguas extrangeiras (isto é alemão), Patrick descobriu um composto que parecesse ser o candidato perfeito. Aquela era a parte fácil. Fêz exame então Patrick de quase um ano inteiro à figura para fora de como manufaturar o composto barata bastante para a venda como um suplemento. O laboratório de Patrick fêz exame na aparência da terra zero em Hiroshima enquanto fêz infinita a reação após a reação na perseguição da receita perfeita do manufacturing.

Pledge De ErgoPharm

Antes que nós introduzamos exatamente o que 1-AD é, nós queremos mencionar uma coisa rápida. Nesta indústria é frequentemente duro encontrar respostas retas a exatamente o que algo é, e como algo trabalha. O mais frequentemente, o caso é que a companhia é evasive com os fatos porque não há realmente nenhuma ciência existente que valida as reivindicações que estão fazendo. Qualquer um que ou simplesmente não compreendem a ciência ele mesmo. Ocasionalmente uma companhia tem a ciência para back-up seus produtos, mas decide-se que o consumidor é demasiado simples ocupado a aprecia os fatos.

ErgoPharm é diferente. Nós produzimos os produtos que backed-up pelo fato científico duro, e nós fazemos exame do orgulho grande em colocar tudo na tabela.

Nós compreendemos que não todos que compra nossos produtos tem um grau do chemistry ou da biologia, mas nós sabemos que os povos apreciam o tratamento com o respeito e o honesty. Querem saber que estão sendo ditos a história reta, mesmo se não têm o fundo para compreender cada facet da apresentação.

Introduzindo 1-AD

É hora de introduzir que Patrick consulta como "a realização da coroa" de sua carreira. O conhecido químico formal do composto Patrick desenvolvido é 1-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol. Nós nicknamed este "1-AD composto" que é um acrônimo encurtado do seu conhecido químico. Sua estrutura química é:

Este composto é verdadeiramente original amongst outros prohormones em uma variedade das maneiras. Deixe-nos olhar especificamente em 1-AD e o que .

O poder de 1-Testosterone

Você é provavelmente familiar com os prohormones de "Andro", e os prohormones de "Norandro". O converso anterior ao testosterone e o último a 19-nortestosterone. 1-AD, entretanto, não cabe em tampouco daquelas categorias. Isso é porque 1-AD se converte relativamente a um unheard de 1-testosterone chamado hormone. 1-testosterone é o que é sabido porque "um isomer da ligação dobro" do testosterone.

Embora quimicamente a única diferença entre o testosterone e o 1-testosterone seja a posição da ligação dobro, pharmacologically os dois produtos são completamente diferentes. De acordo com a pesquisa feita pelo G.D. gigante pharmaceutical Searle e publicada nos 1960s, 1-testosterone realiza-se sobre 7 vezes tão myotrophic (anabolic) quanto testosterone(1). Esse makes 1-testosterone um composto phenomenally potent, surpassing mesmo a maioria de steroids anabolic sintéticos.

Nenhum Aromatization

1-testosterone difere do testosterone em uma outra maneira também. Ser um androgen 5alpha-reduced (um derivative de DHT) ele simplesmente não pode aromatize aos estrogens. O mesmo vai para 1-AD próprio que — nenhuma transformação do estrogen pode ocorrer. Isto faz original 1-AD comparado a outros prohormones — que podem qualquer um aromatize diretamente, a converso a um produto que aromatizes, ou a ambos. Assim que este meio no mundo real? Significa que suas possibilidades de começar o gynecomastia (melharucos da cadela) de 1-AD são essencialmente zero, e que os efeitos laterais da retenção da água estão reduzidos vastamente comparados a outros prohormones.

O Único Prohormone Verdadeiramente "Oral Ativo"

Os steroids androgenic naturais não são normalmente muito ativos oral. As quantidades grandes têm que ser feitas exame oral para ver efeitos biológicos. Isto é porque a primeira passagem através do fígado causa um deactivation maciço dos compostos, primeiramente com a oxidação do 17beta-hydroxyl a um grupo 17-keto. Os químicos long há encontrado que adicionando (methyl ou ethyl) um grupo químico alkyl à posição do alfa do carbono 17, esta oxidação pode ser impedida. Entretanto, este derivatization alkyl também aumenta extremamente o toxicity do fígado. Conseqüentemente o uso de tais compostos sintètica alterados (methyltestosterone, oxymetholone, stanozolol) não é sem risco substancial.

Felizmente, há outras maneiras render oral um steroid ativo, e faz assim sem fazer o composto tóxico ao fígado. Determinadas modificações estruturais podem alterar o metabolism dos steroids que fazem os resistentes à avaria do fígado. Uma destas modificações é o unsaturation (presença de uma ligação dobro) no 1-position. Um steroid que tem esta modificação estrutural e é oral ativo é o steroid anabolic Methenolone, sabido também como Primobolan.

Como você pode ter observado, esta posição da ligação dobro que faz Primobolan oral ativo é mesma encontrada em 1-AD, que, pela maneira, é também oral ativo. Os steroids com esta característica particular da ligação dobro são sabidos como 1-dehydroandrostanes.

Durante os 60's e os 70's alguns papéis foram publicados que descrevem o fenômeno da atividade oral visto com 1-dehydroandrostanes, including 1-testosterone e 1-AD. O que foi descoberto era que estes compostos resistem o deactivation metabolic profundamente deslocando o que é sabido como "o potencial 17-keto redox" para a formação de 17beta-hydroxyl ativo steroids(2,3). Que este meio? Significa que quando você faz exame de 1-AD, o fígado serve primeiramente ativar o composto, melhor que quebra-o para baixo e excrete o como faz com os outros prohormones e testosterone. Significa que 1-AD é "oral ativo," contudo não dá o toxicity do fígado que 17alpha-alkylation .

Um hormone natural feito no corpo

Uma das coisas bonitas sobre 1-AD é que além a sua atividade pharmacological impressive, é também um androgen natural feito no body(4) humano. Isto significa que não é extrangeiro a seu corpo, e que ele pode legalmente e abertamente ser vendido como um suplemento nutritivo. Além disso, a taxa 1-AD's elevada da conversão ativa após a administração oral não é justa uma "teoria" de ErgoPharm - demonstrou-se e foi publicado em um jornal revisto altamente respeitável do par.


Deixe-nos uni-lo todo e ver o que 1-AD tem que oferecer:

Atividade oral elevada

Conversão a um hormone 700% mais potent do que o testosterone

Absolutamente NENHUM aromatization aos estrogens

Natural e seguro

Não pode haver nenhum argumento que este é o prohormone final. Não nos acredite, lá seja-o simplesmente nenhum composto natural para fora lá dessa lata vêm perto do que 1-AD faz, assim que não se incomodam mesmo olhar.

1-AD está agora disponível nas lojas perto de você

O prohormone final não é justo um sonho anymore.1AD está agora disponível nas lojas perto que de você 1-AD está somente disponível de ErgoPharm e pode ser encontrado em gyms do hardcore e em lojas do health-food através do país.


1.Counsel et al., "agentes anabolic. Derivatives da 5alpha-Androst-1-ene ", J. Org. Chem., 27 (1962), 248-251

2. Galletti and Gardi, “Metabolism of 1-Dehydroandrostanes in Man”, J Steroid Biochem, 3 (1972), 933-936

3. Langecker, “Beziehungen Zwischen Substitution im Ring A und Abbau im Stoffwechsel bei Verwandten des Testosterons”, Acta Endocrin, 41 (1962), 494-506

4. Lieberman et al., J. Biol. Chem, 182 (1950), 299

5. Galletti and Gardi, “Metabolism of 1-Dehydroandrostanes in Man”, J Steroid Biochem, 3 (1972), 933-936

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Membros mais ativos neste tópico

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Membros mais ativos neste tópico

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Concordo plenamente com as colocações do DAVI. Na minha opinião pró-hormonais não são uma boa alternativa. Além disso, publicações do fabricantes não podem ser levadas muito a sério, pq dizer que o 1-AD é 7 vezes mais anabólico que a testosterona é brincadeira...

Mas em todo caso, o 1-AD é realmente o Pró-hormônio mais bem falado por usuários em fóruns gringos... Até hj só vi um estudo a respeito do 1AD, e é o da Ergopharm mesmo... Acho que vc pode se interessar:



The efficacy of 1AD compared to a placebo group

The efficacy of 1AD in a stacked format

Well, the long expected case study is finally underway, and I will be reporting all progress and other findings weekly. A quick recap:

The aim of the study is to find out whether or not the all-hyped 1AD lives up to its promises. What are the gains, what are the side-effects, how does it stack with other prohormones and so forth. To that effect I set up a 4-man case study. The first thing I want you to note here is that all 4 participants are eating the same diet (measured in calories per pound of bodyweight and grams of protein per pound of bodyweight), sleeping the same amount of hours and roughly at the same time, workout at the same time of day and with equal amounts of sets and reps, order of exercises and so on. I left nothing to chance. We even take the same multi-vitamins and the same protein powders at the same time of day.

The division is such that 1 subject, myself in this case, is currently taking in Ergopharm 1AD and Ergopharm Norandro spray at the same time. 1 subject functions as the control group and is using only Norandro spray. This will allow for a distinction between what the Norandro spray is causing and what is the result of the 1AD. Thereby establishing the efficacy of both products without compromising the results. The Norandro spray trial will run for 3 weeks, the 1AD trial for 7 weeks. The first 3 will be in conjunction with the Norandro spray trial.

A 5th person, independent in this matter is conducting all measurements since I, as a test subject, am obviously biased in my judgment. Progress in terms of weight, strength and measurements will be conducted every week for the duration of 8 weeks (to establish the durability of the gains) and body-fat to weight ratios will be measured on a bi-weekly basis.

The First Week

I started on the 1AD and Norandro spray on a Thursday. The 1AD I am currently using at 900 mg a day in 3 evenly spread doses of 300 mg. The Norandro spray is used once after my shower (8 sprays) and once 12 hours later (7 sprays) totaling 600 mg of Nor-diol. Test subject B is currently taking the Norandro spray in similar fashion. All four subjects are currently consuming 16 calories per pound of bodyweight. This is rather low as I usually cycle between 18 and 22 calories per pound. But the first two weeks I wanted to assess what the results would be when used without an increase in calories.

The 1AD

The side-effects were more prominent obviously, as it's too early for the gains to be significant or plainly visible. 1AD comes with a warning label on the lid that you should take it with food. This was with good reason. I took my first dose of 300 mg with a very light breakfast (protein shake and corn flakes) and the gastro-intestinal upset in the lower intestines was unbearable. It lasted roughly an hour and it was a nauseating feeling that constantly made me feel like puking and crapping at the same time, even though I did neither. Out of precaution I took my next two doses with a heavy meal and at lunch it bothered me slightly, and at dinner it didn't effect me at all. The second day I had my first dose with a light breakfast again and this time it did nothing. In the mean time I've already taken it twice without food and it didn't affect me then either. This would suggest that the GI disorders subside after a while. I contacted Ergopharm and they concurred. In their initial trials they used 600 mg for the first two weeks, then progressed to 900 mg for three weeks. And now someone recommended starting at 300, then moving to 600 and 900 mg. Though this queasy feeling was nothing to laugh at, these measures are drastic. I used 900 straight away and it went away after two days. This would suggest that taking 300 mg for two days and 600 for two days before progressing to 900 mg is more than adequate to overcome this problem. And above all take it with a big meal the first week. The warning is no joke. I have a stomach that could handle molten lava, but that first day my lower intestines were in dire straits.

The second thing I noticed was an increase in trips to the bathroom as well as some painful urination. These would have been clear symptoms of a prostate problem, but after 2 doses? Later on I was informed that this is a quality inherent to the raw powder of 1AD, and not prostate problems or contamination as was first believed. It simply causes more and often painful urination. But here too the problem can be solved. It seems drinking more (the recommendation is 1 liter or more on top of what you normally drink) can and does prevent the pain. I can vouch for this. Two of the last 7 days I was consuming more liquid meals than normal and indeed, the pain subsided. The increase in trips to the bathroom remains however, but I think most people can live with that.

The Norandro Spray

At first it didn't seem to do a whole lot for either of us. But even though subject B gained no mentionable mass, he simply looked heavier in the shoulder and chest portions. Gigantic almost. I assume it's water buildup but it seems to be common for transdermal sprays. I myself got it too, but only in the shoulder region. It did not affect my chest as it did for Subject B.

I have been applying the stuff mostly to my inner thighs, and on occasion the armpits or the pits of my elbows. Once, after shaving, even on my chest. Subject B has been spraying mostly his armpits and inner thighs as well. What I noticed was that if you spray the stuff too close to your testicles the stuff makes your nuts feel real warm. Probably due to the alcohol content of the spray. Weird and unpleasant though, so be careful. We are now 8 days into the trial and around day 6 and 7 respectively we have been walking around with aching testicles. I don't know what the reason is, but both of us have a distinct but bearable pain in the groin region. Frankly it worries me a bit.

In terms of side-effects Subject B has been smoothing out a bit. I have not on the other hand, most likely due to the hardening action of 1AD. The first 3 days I did indeed look a bit harder, then the Norandro kicked in and I basically look like I always looked at this BF percentage. No other discrepancies to report at this point.

The Results

Because of the reduction in calories subjects C and D have not gained anything, and subject C even lost 0.4 pounds. This is not considered an actual loss, more of a fluctuation. But it goes to show that this diet is not the anabolic factor in this part of the case study. Subject B gained 1.5 pounds, most of it in the last three days when we started shifting our diet to contain more protein and less carbs. I myself have gained no less than 3.5 pounds in the first week. This certainly is amazing. This far outweighs any first-week gains I have ever made on an oral prohormone. I also noticed strong fluctuations. My bodyweight is usually very stable and I noticed that my weight went up as much as four pounds by day 5, only to find I lost 1.5 pounds the next day and finished at 3.5 pounds yesterday, day 7. I don't know the significance of this yet, but I would theorize that this means it might be a bit harder than first thought to maintain the weight gained on 1AD.

I'm noticing a small increase in acne, but only one or two zits at a time usually around the upper chest and back, the shoulders and one on my face. Subject B has experienced no such increase, which would lead me to think it's a result of the 1AD.

The overall tone of the first week is good. I never in my life thought the first week results would even be worth mentioning. But of course I will reserve my judgment for later. Prior to the trial I lost some weight, due to an injury. I'm still 2.5 pounds off the mark for the weight I lost, and as you know it's considerably easier to gain weight you already had. And of course the first week is too early to have any data on actual androgen related side-effects such as prostate problems and hair loss. That's the one I'm worried about the most. But if these gains are maintained, 1AD indeed looks like it can live up to its promise. But it remains to be seen. More next week...

CASE STUDY WEEKS #2, 3 and 4.

The efficacy of 1AD compared to a placebo group

The efficacy of 1AD in a stacked format

Unforeseen circumstances are a fact. We can't plan out life, we all know that. But when some short term plans go down the drain because of such events is often harder to accept. So too with the case study. Many of you have wondered what happened to the weekly updates, and I received a ton of email from people, some concerned, others angry, asking me what was up.

Well, I was recently stricken with illness. Nothing serious at first, a little throat ache and a stuffy nose. I didn't think much of it to begin with and medication at that point was the farthest from my mind. I was taking driving lessons for the motorcycle so I pepped myself up with some ECA pills to not feel so out of the weather. Four days later I realized what a mistake I had made. The pills wore off, I fell off the motorcycle. Nothing was hurt but my pride, but when I came home I felt for the first time how sick I was. My throat ache was gone, but my stuffy nose had developed into a nasty cough which immediately affected my bronchia. It's a remnant from my childhood asthma and it always happens. I was a fool not to see it. I got a fever and it skyrocketed, and my bronchia closed up. The next day I could barely breathe. My dad, coincidentally also my doctor, immediately got me on heavy doses of broad spectre anti-biotics and 50 mg a day of cortisone which I was to reduce over time. It would still be a while before I could breathe normally. On top of that my blood pressure skyrocketed as well and we located a weird deformation in my nose cartilage that is apparently keeping me from breathing normally even when not ill.

I'm glad all that is behind me now and I'm well on the road to recovery. I didn't want to let anyone down, so I continued with my prohormone and supplementation regimen. But obviously I missed a week and a half of training and my nutrition was nowhere near as meticulate as it should have been. Together with the cortisone I was taking I was in fairly catabolic states. So hopefully people will forgive me for the delay and the compromised aspects of the case study, but here is the summary of weeks 2, 3 and 4 of the case study.

The Second, Third and Fourth Weeks

I'm still consuming the 1AD in 3 doses of 300 mg daily totaling 900 mg and for the duration of the norandro spray study, which finished at the end of week 3 I stayed on 2 doses of 300 mg, one every twelve hours, very consitently. Test Subject B was still doing the same as well, he stayed on the old diet of 16 cals per pound of bodyweight, as did the other two test subjects. My diet varied, and some days I was eating below that. I tried, but illness and appetite do not mix. We also reduced their training to 4 days a week.

The 1AD

Of all the side-effects reported in week one, I noticed very little now. I increased my water intake and that seemed to solve the problem of painful urination. Despite illness, not always taking the 1AD with food and so on, I never had gastro-intestinal complaints since the first 2 days. That would lead me to conclude that its basically just something that occurs early on, but once you are adapted its no trouble. I remember I suggest two days on 300 mg and two days on 600 mg before starting 900 mg was advisable perhaps to avoid this problem, but it appears I was wrong. Several people have written to me explaining they did lower doses to start off with and still got some gastr-intestinal upset. So the best course of action is to make sure you take your doses after a big meal the first few days to avoid it. Which is the suggestion on the bottle by the way.

I still urinate more often than I used to. But now with the extra water intake I'm not so sure what is causing it. But I can honestly say its not a real hassle. It hasn't inconvenienced me or anything, just means I have to go to the bathroom between classes like clockwork. But the final conclusion is that most of the inherent flaws of 1AD quickly subside after which it no longer forms a bigger risk than another quality hormone like 4AD, Nor-diol or 1,4-andro.

Addressing that issue, past the third week I feel safe to discuss the matters of real side-effects. Obviously no estrogenic effects, but to say 1AD helps reduce body-fat is just a lie. That's still the work of a diet and cardio. My irregular eating pattern of the last weeks seems to keep these love handles right where they are. Which is also keeping me from checking the fact if my muscles are indeed denser due to the 1AD. I feel not and largely due to my high BF percentage at this point. In terms of androgenic side-effects, I have a few zits here and there, but nothing to warrant a plague of acne that I experienced with andro when it first came out. No centralization, just a few zits on my face mostly, chest and shoulders. No one even really noticed I had them, except my girlfriend. My prostate is fine, although because the 1AD makes me urinate more to begin with I don't have an accurate lead of course. And even if I did, I'm still young, I don't think I'd be a good measure to determine the risk of BPH. I'm experiencing mild hair loss in that I'm losing more hair in my brush. The same way it started on my last heavy cycle, but actually a bit slower. So I may have been a bit hasty in saying it would have more of an effect than other prohormones, but really it doesn't. Nonetheless hair loss is a fact. But after 4 and a half weeks no reduction of the hair line that is actually visible yet, which makes me relatively content with the use of this product. One side-effect I can't seem to explain is an ache in my left testicle. No one seems to be able to provide an answer as to what is causing it.

The Norandro Spray

With week 3 came the conclusion of the Norandro spray trial. The major downside of using a transdermal Nor-diol was the immense suppression of HPTA, which frankly had me worried. Testicular shrinkage was worse than I had experienced in three weeks with any type of oral prohormones and I wonder if my aching testicle wasn't the result of this. It suppressed my libido almost 24/7 and by week 3 I honestly didn't feel like sex at all anymore. This seemed to resolve slightly after coming off. The 1AD still suppressed libido, but not to a point where I couldn't get it up when my girlfriend was here, which was the case near the end of the Norandro trial. I feel in terms of gains it contributed adequately for it to be worth the money spent on it. Subject B, who used only the Norandro ended with a total gain of 7.5 lean pounds after three weeks of use. These are the measurements one week after coming off so I think he will maintain them fairly easy. This wasn't always the case with oral Nor-diols, where over 6-8 weeks you could gains 15-20 pounds, but in the end you were lucky if you kept 6 or 7 of them. For the simple reason that they seemed to cause more water retention and of course because Nor-diol is very suppressive. I have a feeling that longer use would result in bigger gains, but considerably harder to maintain.

One positive side-effect: While on the spray our shoulders and upper chest swoll up like we were pros. This was however temporary. Looking in the mirror now, a week later, the difference is truly amazing. Our shoulders seem so much smaller. I've always had wide shoulders, genetically and of course they are still big, if not bigger than before we started, but the visual trickery of the Norandro made them look almost twice their size during the trial. I have no idea why this is, but apparently we aren't the only ones to have experienced this.

The Results

The efforts of continual and dedicated ICE training have begun to pay off for control subjects C and D. After 3 weeks they had gained 1.3 and 1.4 pounds respectively, up to 1.7 each after week 4. All of this on what I would consider a sub-calorie diet of only 16 calories per pound of bodyweight. This has nothing to do with the trial, but I figured I'd mention it as a plug for my ICE system. I was frankly surprised with such consistent results myself. Subject B, as was said was up 9 pounds at the end of the Norandro cycle, but after only two days it has dropped and leveled to 7.5 pounds and maintaining well with the same diet as the other two. The largest gains for subjects C and D seemed to have been in the legs and back. For subject B the gains were fairly even with a slightly larger increase in shoulder and leg mass.

My gains were limited due to illness, lack of sleep and bad diet. But I can honestly say that continuing to use these products throughout these catabolic affairs, not to mention the time I took cortisone has helped me maintain my weight. At some point I was up 2 pounds, but right now I'm hovering around my weight at the end of week 1. This may not seem impressive, but remember that I am not a small person and that most people with an extomorphic body-type would lose considerable weight dealing with the seriosity of illness I had to deal with. So I am amazed at the potential of these products. Now I'm back in the gym, since two days and will be implementing and increase of calories to 18 per pound by the next week. Now of course it's only a 1AD trial.

I started off very skeptical thinking 1AD was all hype, after the first week I was using the term legal anabolic. I was wrong on both counts. 1AD does work, that much I will vouch for, and it works great. Few if any supplements can touch it, including the classic prohormones, and I'm also fairly sure no new supplement will top the effects of this one in the near future (no matter what Biotest says). However, legal anabolic was perhaps a premature statement. But it's quite an achievement for me to say that a product that costs so much is actually worth that money. I wouldn't pay the $80 retail price for it , but if you can get it for $44.98 like here at, doing a 6 week cycle at 900 mg a day is well worth the money




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