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Não, mas pelo que eu tenho lido é mais pra dar apetite sexual...

Mas pretendo fazer o teste impírico. Quando parar de tomar Taurina+ALA+Picolinato de Crômio, pretendo suplementar com TRIBULLUS+ZMA.


iso depende de organismo pra organismo , eu tomei , e começou a dar resultado sim , mas depois eu tive que dobrar ou triplicar a dose , ,mas deu um resultado legal sim , em 15 dias + ou - eu ja tinha visto a diferença , mas como falei , depende de cada um. :lol:


Ele nao tem muita influencia anabolica nao, o aumento de testosterona endogena teria que ser muito maior, no entando eu logo logo vou experimentar tambem, vou tomar zma mes que vem provavelmente, to usando picolinato de cromo 500 mcg por dia.. nao to axando nada de mais, apenas uma leve definiçao a mais...

Visitante {STANLEY}

Sinto informa-los que estã gastando dinheiro em placebos, dentre Tribullus Terrestris, ZMA e Picolinato de Cromo o único que tem efeito é o ZMA embora eu ache que 30% de aumento de testo endógena não seja suficiente pra causar um aumento significativo de performance ou massa muscular.

O picolinato de cromo como podem ver teve resultados praticamente idênticos ao placebo quando objetivou-se o seu uso para perda de gordura:

Chromium picolinate for reducing body weight: meta-analysis of randomized trials.

Pittler MH, Stevinson C, Ernst E.

Complimentary Medicine, Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter, UK.

The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the evidence of chromium picolinate for reducing body weight. Literature searches were conducted on Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, Amed and Ciscom. Nine experts and four manufacturers of commercial preparations containing chromium picolinate were asked to contribute published and unpublished studies. There were no restrictions regarding the language of publication. The screening of studies, selection, data extraction, validation and the assessment of methodological quality were performed independently by two reviewers. To be included, studies were required to state that they were randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled, and report on body weight. Ten trials met all inclusion criteria and provided data, which were suitable for statistical pooling. For body weight a significant differential effect was found in favour of chromium picolinate (weighted mean difference: -1.1 kg; 95% confidence interval (CI): -1.8 to -0.4 kg, n=489). Sensitivity analysis suggests that this effect is largely dependent on the results of a single trial (weighted mean difference: -0.9 kg; 95% CI: -2.0 to 0.2 kg, n=335). Three of the reviewed trials reported on adverse events, indicating their absence in the treatment groups. In conclusion, our meta-analysis suggests a relatively small effect of chromium picolinate compared with placebo for reducing body weight. The clinical relevance of the effect is debatable and the lack of robustness means that the result has to be interpreted with caution.

Assim como o Tribulus Terrestris além de não estimular a pituitária como o fabricante diz, também não adianta nada em termos de performance e ganho de massa:

The effects of Tribulus terrestris on body composition and exercise performance in resistance-trained males.

Antonio J, Uelmen J, Rodriguez R, Earnest C.

Human Performance Laboratory, University of Nebraska, Kearney, NE 68849-3101, USA.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the herbal preparation Tribulus terrestris (tribulus) on body composition and exercise performance in resistance-trained males. Fifteen subjects were randomly assigned to a placebo or tribulus (3.21 mg per kg body weight daily) group. Body weight, body composition, maximal strength, dietary intake, and mood states were determined before and after an 8-week exercise (periodized resistance training) and supplementation period. There were no changes in body weight, percentage fat, total body water, dietary intake, or mood states in either group. Muscle endurance (determined by the maximal number of repetitions at 100-200% of body weight) increased for the bench and leg press exercises in the placebo group (p <.05; bench press +/-28.4%, leg press +/-28.6%), while the tribulus group experienced an increase in leg press strength only (bench press +/-3.1%, not significant; leg press +/-28.6%, p <.05). Supplementation with tribulus does not enhance body composition or exercise performance in resistance-trained males.


Stanley, concordo com você, mas como dizem, o melhor prova é a impírica hehe.

Ninga Picolinato de Cromo tem quantidade mínima pra se fazer efeito?

Visitante {STANLEY}

É só lerem os estudos, tanto com o cromo como com o tribulus teve resultados, mas foram praticamente iguais aos resultados do placebo, ou seja o efeito não foi da substância e sim um efeito psicológico.


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