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GLICEROL - dá até 2kg de massa muscular por semana, verdade?

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Macel Zabeu disse:
Açucar é destrose ! essa é boa.

Sem comentários. Quer uma dica ? Se mata. :lol:

O que? Voce acha que acucar nao eh dextrose?

Procura um produto chamado DEXTROSOL, ou como diz na embalagem, acucar de milho para criancas e le como ele substitui o acucar na alimentacao infatil.

Ah a proposito, procura alguns produtos gringos decentes que tenham unica fonte de carbo a dextrose e ve a quantidade acucar/carbo.

Alias, nem precisa procura, ta aqui grande:

Agora sim voce vai ficar sem comentarios.

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Nao, nao vou ficar sem comentarios nao cara, voce nao entendeu o que eu quis dizer. É claro que tanto o acucar como a destrose fornecem energia, e sua formulacao final é caloria, eu nao estou discutindo BIOQUIMICA estou discutindo influencias da midia na suplementacao, O que eu quis dizer no outro topico foi que se comecassem a vender ACUCAR, acucar mesmo, braquinho refinado, doce, ACUCAR mesmo, e aumentassem o preço em 1000% ia ter gente que iria comprar. era só por um rotulo bem legal, e pronto. Entendeu o que quis dizer agora ? :lol:

Visitante ceifador
Açucar é destrose ! essa é boa.

Sem comentários. Quer uma dica ? Se mata. :lol:

hauahuahua isso mesmo, só matando um tonto desses


Avian desculpa qulquer coisa cara, quando disse pra voce se matar eu tava zuando. Sou acostumado falar assim, brinco muito, foi uma brincadeira.

Que bom que agora voce entendeu, Eu nao uso o forum pra brigar nem discutir com ninguem, pra mim o forum é um lugar onde as pessoas trocam informacoes, e aprendem umas com as outras. Quando ha briga em foruns eles perdem um pouco a força, nao é o que queremos eu tenho certeza, Vamos manter a ordem no forum do fisiculturismo, só depende da gente.

Mais uma vez, foi mal qualquer coisa, minha intencao era informar trocar idéia.




Description Glycerol is a liquid alcohol most commonly found in the diet as a component of fat or triglycerides. The glycerol serves as the backbone onto which fatty acid molecules are attached. Commercial preparation of glycerol can be obtained by hydrolysis (removal) of the fatty acids from the glycerol molecule.


* Increase blood volume

* Enhanced temperature regulation

* Improved exercise performance in the heat

Theory Glycerol is proposed to help "hyperhydrate" the body by increasing blood volume levels and helping to delay dehydration.

Scientific Support At least a few studies support the theory that glycerol added to fluids will increase the hydration compared to drinking fluid alone (without glycerol added). Following glycerol consumption, heart rate and body core temperature are lower during exercise in the heat, suggesting an ergogenic (performance enhancing) effect. In long duration activities, a larger supply of stored water may lead to a delay in dehydration and exhaustion.

Safety Straight (undiluted) glycerin is not recommended for internal consumption, but no significant adverse side effects are associated with glycerin diluted with fluids (as noted above). In some subjects, glycerol consumption may lead to headaches or nausea. Individuals in whom increased blood volume may be undesirable, including conditions such as pregnancy, high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney disease, should avoid glycerol supplementation.

Value For endurance athletes engaged in strenuous training or competition in hot environments, consumption of glycerol containing beverages may help hydrate tissues, increase blood volume and delay fatigue and exhaustion associated with dehydration.

Dosage Glycerol dosage relates to the amount of total body water – so bigger people have more body water and require more glycerol to obtain an effect. Approximately 1 gram of glycerin per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of body weight is diluted in 20-25 milliliters of liquid. A 70 kg man (154 lbs), therefore, would need 70 grams of glycerin diluted in 1400-1750 ml of fluid (about 1-2 liters of fluid). The mixture should be consumed slowly over the course of 1-2 hours prior to exercise in the heat.

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Glycerol (also known as glycerin or glycerine) is a colorless, odorless, sweet tasting nutrient. It is technically a trihydroxy alcohol found naturally as the backbone of triglycerides in the body.

It is added to protein bars to help make them moist and also to sweeten them.

It does not cause any significant blood sugar response when taken as part of protein bar and seems to be eliminated from the body mostly unused. Glycerol is an interesting compound that has been shown to enhance athletic performance and cause “hyperhydration” when consumed with water (above and beyond that with water alone).

It seems to help keep the body cooler during exercise. Glycerol does contain 4.32 calories per gram.

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Background: Glycerol, or glycerin, is a natural constituent of the human body that occurs from the oxidation of stored bodyfat. This clear liquid has the ability to bind to water and hold it in the vascular system.

Glycerol's ability to draw water into the vascular system is of primary interest to endurance athletes of all kinds as well as bodybuilders. You see, as a result of this action, Glycerol may help prevent dehydration, boost muscular performance, pull unwanted water out from under the skin (creating more cuts), and dramatically enhance muscle vascularity. Because of this, Glycerol has become a very popular pre-contest supplement for endurance athletes like marathoners, cyclists and triathletes, as well as with bodybuilders because of Glycerol's ability to enhance vascularity and cuts.

Does it work?: Yes, it does. You may have read Bill Philips promoting this little known supplement back in the late 90’s in his Supplement Review, as well as other publications. As for personal experience, I have used Glycerol on various occasions. It seemed to make me more vascular, like it was supposed to, and also less tired, I’m sure because of the hydrating effects. The many cyclists and other endurance athletes that have purchased this supplement through the years, and raved about its ability to help them gain a little extra edge in competition where endurance and staying at your peak for long periods of time are critical, have also backed this up.

For bodybuilders, that application is a little less practical, but no less important. On stage you want to look as cut and ripped as possible, and Glycerol can give you an edge in that department as well.

Grade: Glycerol is cheap, effective, and has no side effects, therefore I give it an A+.

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hauahuahua isso mesmo, só matando um tonto desses

Já falaram também que hipercalórico é nada mais que muito açucar..


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